About jokaydiaGRID
Within this site you’ll find information about jokaydiaGRID – our OpenSimulator based Virtual World focused on Education and the Arts.
The jokaydiaGrid Project has a number of aims including:
- Providing an engaging educational virtual worlds grid, with a focus on supporting teachers to implement real virtual worlds learning in their classroom
- Exploring ways to ‘multi-grid’ – eg. creating strategies, techniques and best practices for creating presence across a range of virtual worlds, and learning how to best use each environment for and to its best advantage
- Engaging kids in our virtual worlds adventures – the jokaydiaGrid gives us the freedom to create a PG environment which is much more viable for k-12 educational use
- Learning about Opensimulator – we are excited to be joining the opensource virtual worlds community and look forward to both learning about and contributing to the development of opensource virtual worlds options for education
- Developing new 3D educational resources – Leveraging off the flexibility available to us on the opensim platform for public and private delivery (without the scary pricetag!)
… and most importantly to Play! We aim to continue to create a community that learns, inspires, explores and shares!
Notice and Disclaimer
The Islands of jokaydia websites are not affiliated with or sponsored by Second Life, Linden Labs, Linden Research, OpenSimulator, ReactionGrid, Simhost or any of the other gaming and virtual worlds platforms mentioned in this site under nominative use. Please contact jokay Wollongong for further info.
This site is designed and maintained by Jo Kay. Contact Us for further information or queries.